8 keys to unlocking the doors to extraordinary success

Evan Luthra Evan Luthra in Serial Entrepreneur, Innovator and Angel Investor


Want to become a phenomenal entrepreneur the world watches in amazement? Do you dream of becoming one they want to emulate? Most importantly do you want to set your goals high and exceed them time after time? Then who better to learn from than one who became a self-made millionaire by the time he was 15. Be informed, inspired, entertained and challenged by serial entrepreneur Evan Luthra.

Evan Luthra

Evan Luthra

Serial Entrepreneur, Innovator and Angel Investor

If you’ve got ideas for your own product or company, Evan will be a welcome inspiration.

According to Ondra Bartoš, we’ll love hearing from this young startupist for his fiery energy. He’s both a motivational and entertaining speaker.

Evan describes himself as a miracle of nature. He claims to have the recipe on how to take ideas and successfully execute them. He made his money thanks to several of his own projects, and at the moment, he invests in another nine.

“Using creativity, ideas and magic, he builds products in a way you’ll never forget.” –evanluthra.com

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